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The Net Zero Standards Hub is designed to support the development of the Net Zero Transition Plans Standard and facilitate wider industry engagement, discussion and sharing of best practice around the Net Zero Transition plans for SMEs and other key stakeholders.

SME Net Zero Insights

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Contributors to this blog

  • Sara Walton 2
  • Ian Byrne 1
  • Sasha 1

Net Zero Transitions Flex and Hub for SMEs Webinar

Sara Walton


Thank you to all who attended our free webinar on the 11th of June 2024 – we had a fantastic response to this, with 100s of SMEs joining us live on the day representing a wide variety of industries and sectors.

If you missed it, not to worry, the recording will be shared with the hub members shortly.

 The webinar covered:

  • how the Flex standard can help you in practical ways in your journey towards net zero
  • how to use the NZ Standards Hub to help you and your organization in your NZ transition.

We’d also like to say a special thank you to our speakers who took part in the webinar panel and shared their insights and experience.

 The speaker panel included @Ian Byrne, technical author of the Flex, @Chloe Fiddy, IEMA and member of the advisory group for the Flex, @Elizabeth Smith of INX (manufacturers of packaging inks and an SME in the UK), and @James Hand of Giki, an SME and environmental consultancy helping organizations with sustainable behaviour and culture. Also taking part were me, @Sara Walton, and colleagues @Philippa M and @Sasha.   

Thank you also to all who submitted questions in advance and on the day – although we covered a few of these during the webinar, we’re aware that there were lots of others. You’ll find the responses to the remaining questions in batches in the coming weeks in the hub.

Main points covered in the webinar included:

Key challenges for SMEs

The following were of particular interest to those responding pre and during the webinar, and are also seen in research such as the BSI Net Zero Barometer and research from IEMA mentioned by Chloe:

  • how to find resource and time alongside business priorities
  • dealing with the complexity of what is expected of them
  • how to make a good case to make changes and start transitions to senior management.

Key features in the Flex

Process – a recommended step by step process for logically creating and implementing a transition plan, i.e.,:

  • get senior management behind it,
  • have adequately competent staff to do what’s necessary.

Define what you want to get to NZ, e.g., whole organization, maybe excluding operations outside national borders?

How much? - measuring current emissions as baseline (taking all 3 Scopes into account - organizations are encouraged to look at what’s most important, to focus in on areas where they can take action and make real reductions).

Set targets. The aim is to reduce emissions until only residual emissions remain by a target date – typically 2050. Residual emissions are those that it is technically or economically impossible to get rid of (like cows burping methane…?).

Take action: A Net Zero Transition Plan needs to look frequently at measures to reduce and, less frequently, remove GHG emissions. Headline actions could include:

  • better energy management
  • energy efficiency projects
  • switching to onsite renewable energy, etc.

Redesign, circular principles: there is a need to think and, if necessary, redesign products or processes, taking into account more circular principles. This can also include adapting both processes and end-products to deal with the likely impact of climate change of the life of the Transition Plan

Impact: The Flex also asks users to look at the impact of their actions – have they achieved what was wanted?  Did they meet their KPIs?  Also, there are recommendations on keeping the plan up to date, encouraging you to think about how you can finance the required actions. 

Reporting and communication: covered though this isn’t the main focus of the Flex – there are a lot of other documents that are mainly about reporting but give less support on the actual planning an implementation.

Net Zero Transition poll results

Polls: To get a better understanding of where our attendees are on their journey to net zero, which areas are important, and to help others benchmark themselves, we ran three polls:

Poll 1: was to see what emissions SMEs are currently considering.

a.     the main response was more than two thirds of participants (more than 77%) are thinking about Scope 1 (direct fossil fuels)

b.     75% are thinking of Scope 2 (indirect use - electricity).

c.      Of scope 3, by far the most people (67.5%) were thinking about travel and transport with 42.5% thinking about suppliers and hardly anyone thinking about customers just yet.

Poll 2: asked which of the several resources were being used and the top answers were:

a.    46% used the GHG Protocol

b.    21% the SBTi

c.    24% PAS 2060 on carbon neutrality demonstration

You can also access links to these resources in our resources section here. 

Poll 3: asked if you could have some clear examples given for NZ transition, what would help most? Top responses were:

a.    19% were interested in how to begin the journey

b.    31% in how to set a target year for NZ

c.    24% on how to put together a business case for it.

Other discussion points covered

Carbon neutrality and net zero came up and, Ian noted that the Flex recognises that some organizations might wish to be able to claim carbon neutrality. However, it doesn’t go into any detail on buying offsetting using high quality carbon credits, as there’s a new ISO Standard – ISO 14068-1 that explains this.

Next steps

Listen back

If you haven’t already, please do listen to the webinar to get a sense of things that were discussed and let us know if you have any thoughts, particularly about the following potential examples that could be provided here in the Hub.

Share your thoughts

If you could have some clear examples given for NZ transition, what would help most?:

a.    how to begin the net zero transition journey?

b.    how to set a target year for NZ?

c.    how to put together a business case?

d.    how to start a conversation with suppliers?

e.    Something else: – if there is another case study that would be useful, please do share this with us.

Stay in the loop

We will be sharing the BSI Flex 3030 updates on development, and further feedback in the coming weeks and months. To ensure you stay in the loop, head over to the “Standards updates” discussion, and click “follow”.


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