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Welcome to the Net Zero Standards Hub

The Net Zero Standards Hub is designed to support the development of the Net Zero Transition Plans Standard and facilitate wider industry engagement, discussion and sharing of best practice around the Net Zero Transition plans for SMEs and other key stakeholders.

About the community

The Net Zero Standards Hub supports organizations on the journey to demonstrate and support design of net zero transition plans leading to greenhouse gas emissions reductions. By joining the hub, members can help shape the Net Zero Transition Plans standard, share best practice and support around their own net zero transition journeys, and connect with likeminded individuals. As a member, you'll be able to access key updates, early previews and guidance, share best practice and common challenges, and discuss key developments in this space.

Shape the Net Zero Transition Plans Standard

Gain insights on how standards are created and stay in the loop on key updates and opportunities to get involved with the development of the Net Zero Transition Plans Standard.

Share knowledge and best practice

Access curated net zero transition plans content and collaborate on overcoming challenges, together, shaping net zero transition plans.

Collaborate and network

Use the space to share resources, ideas, and best practice, in a supportive environment where you can network and learn from other members' experiences.

Who should join?

The community is primarily aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises working on their net zero transition plans and those that have not previously been required to consider climate change. The community is also open to:

  • Organizations including companies, not for profit and public sector bodies working on their net zero transition plans
  • Organizations looking to help mobilize its suppliers and those that have already made significant progress or have achieved carbon neutrality
  • National or regional governments, local authorities, trade associations, NGOs, banks and other lenders, potential investors, larger organizations which have SMEs in their value chain
  • Operators of other initiatives designed to combat climate change and encourage a sustainable transition to net zero

Why join?

  • Standards support, guidance and previews
  • Connect with like-minded SMEs and others committed to making a positive impact
  • Access to exclusive, curated content
  • Shape standards development and access early opportunities to get involved
  • Participate in discussions, ask questions and engage in thought-provoking conversations
  • Interactive resource library
  • Create New...